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From James Ward Byrkit, writer-director of COHERENCE

“This episodic creation allows audiences to have their minds blown, shaking their heads and reintroducing watercooler discussion after each story. This is solidly mesmerizing writing.”

Episode 1 "The Hard Problem of Carl"

27 min.

Following an AI Contact Tracer on her most dangerous mission yet: releasing Carl from his newly conscious refrigerator.


Emily Baldoni stars

Episode 2 "Immotus" 

28 min.

A night of surreal discoveries threatens the very fabric of reality when an unmovable apple arrives at an internet startup, triggering a wild chain reaction of consequences.


JJ Nolan, Julie Zhan star

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Episode 3 "The Specimen"

26 min.

Dervey Ryan is a man on a last desperate mission to salvage meaning from his life, as the jaws of fate close in and he faces the prophecy of being "one turn away" from the promise of fame.


Patton Oswalt, Dale E. Turner star

Episode 4 "Pearls"

33 min.

The most exclusive restaurant in the city serves impossible meals that defy logic, remove inhibitions and reveal the core truths of their diners. Chaos ensues.


Abigail Spencer, Elimu Nelson, Catherine Lidstone star

SHATTER BELT is the follow-up to James Ward Byrkit's international cult favorite COHERENCE, now on major lists as one of the best science fiction movies of all time.


SHATTER BELT is a journey to the edge of consciousness and back, embracing complex

emotional themes while staying consistently entertaining.

FORMAT:  30 minute episodes

10 Episode seasons plus

1 Shatter Belt movie each season

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S H A T T E R  •  B E L T
written and directed by James Ward Byrkit

executive producers:
James Ward Byrkit

Alyssa Byrkit
Olaf Carlson-Wee
Abigail Spencer



STUDIO:  Shatter Belt

Financed by:  Bellanova Films

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Get in Touch!

PR Rep: Erik Bright
(310) 857-2020 x700

Shatter Belt

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